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Importance of Email Verification Systems


Email verification is the process through which an email is verified. It is very time wasteful sending emails for marketing your business to emails that are not verified.  Every email marketer knows it is important to check your email addresses. The verification process entails two processes. 


One of the processes is pre-emptive verification. Pre-emptive variation process in whereby the system validates and confirms the addresses before storing the email addresses in the system. This is a very efficient process. It is even effective for business owners who want to establish email addresses for their customers as well as staffs. 


The second process is the retrospective verification. This system validates and ensures that the addresses for customers and employees are current and valid. Third party processors are used in identifying dead addresses or closed emails through various technologies without sending any emails. 


As an email marketer, it is vital to ensure that all the strategies you employ are worthwhile. Therefore embracing the email verification process for an email marketer is very crucial. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you take the time to verify email addresses. 


Email verification will help you save money. You will be left with a relevant list after the verification process. Therefore, you will be sure the email addresses are working and current. This will help in effective marketing and save you money for sending bulk emails to email addresses that do not work.


Validating your customer's email will reduce chances of encountering problems with email service providers. Email service providers are usually very strict about  bouncing email thresholds. It is important you note that some providers have a certain number of bouncing email limit that they allow. In which if you extend the number, your account can be suspended or closed.  This is even more acute for new account holders.


Verifying email addresses help you to improve on the deliverables. This means your emails can be degraded by ISP if the number of expired emails is more, besides, increasing your sender reputation score if you have a clean list of senders to send emails to. 

The verification process helps to keep off spam traps. The ISP system usually recycles expired email addresses. The ISP recycles expired emails with the sole purpose of trapping expired email accounts. Then finally blacklist you if you still have the email accounts on your list. Email verification will help you keep off such troubles. 


For an active verification process, make sure you choose a system or tool that can clean up your email list with integrity and intelligence. Be sure to ask for the features of the tool or system. This will enable you to know how efficient the system can be to your needs.

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